от Atair Aerodynamics, USA.
Купол Onyx - это 36-и секционный косонервюрник. В его конструкции применена новая технология, позволяющая снизить искажения "лба" купола, и оставляющая его упругим при полете на высоких скоростях. Как сообщается, новинка может выйти на рынок уже в этом году.
Обсуждение купола на форуме: http://www.dropzone.com с инсайдерами Atair.
Q: Dan, The Onyx seems to have a really short line set. Just wondering what your reasoning was for this?
Good question. Isn't it generally accepted that a longer line set means a longer recovery arc?
A: It's so you can reach up and throw the pilot chute off if it ends up over the nose. j/k. Yeah, it's nutty how the canopy seems to be just right on top.
A: the pink is an 85 and the aqua a 95
The important thing to look at in the pictures is the nose. The canopy has lower spanwise distortion than any other canopy, and what I am most proud of is that the nose is fully tensioned and stays formed even in high speed flight. It does not dimple in from the pressure of the on coming wind as happens on all other formed nose canopies. This makes for a higher efficiency wing.
A: T he line set proportions are the same as Cobalts. Perhaps they just look short from the angle of the picture.
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